Commodore 64 ROMs
Featured Games
Jet Set Willy (1984)(Software Projects LTD)[a][l Burner] | Jeep Command (1986)(Bug-Byte Software LTD) | Jack the Nipper (1986)(Gremlin Graphics LTD)[l Beam Tape] | James Pond 2 - Codename Robocod Side 2 |
Letter: J
- Jabato (1989)(Aventuras AD)(Side A)
- Jabato (1989)(Aventuras AD)(Side B)
- Jack And The Beanstalk
- Jack and the Beanstalk (1984)(Thor Computer Software)
- Jack and the Beanstalk (1984)(Thor Computer Software)[a]
- Jack Charlton's Match Fishing
- Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (1985)(Alligata Software LTD)2
- Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (1985)(Alligata Software LTD)3
- Jack Charlton's Match Fishing (1985)(Alligata Software LTD)[
- Jack the Nipper (1986)(Gremlin Graphics LTD)[l Beam Tape]
- Jack The Nipper II
- Jack the Nipper II in Coconut Capers (1987)(Gremlin Graphics
- Jail Break
- Jail Break (1986)(Konami)[a][l CHR]
- James Pond 2 - Codename Robocod Side 1
- James Pond 2 - Codename Robocod Side 2
- James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Millenium)(Side A)[a
- James Pond II - Codename Robocod (1992)(Millenium)(Side B)[a
- Jammin'
- Java Jim
- Java Jim (1984)(Creative Sparks)[l C64 ROM Tape]
- Jaws
- Jaws (1989)(Alternative Software)
- Jeep Command (1986)(Bug-Byte Software LTD)
- Jeep Command (1986)(Bug-Byte Software LTD)[a]
- JeepCommand
- Jet Bike Simulator (1988)(Code Masters)[Coast]
- Jet Bike Simulator (1988)(Code Masters)[Docks]
- Jet Bike Simulator (1988)(Code Masters)[Expert]
- Jet Bike Simulator (1988)(Code Masters)[Standard]
- Jet Set Willy
- Jet Set Willy (1984)(Software Projects LTD)[a][l Burner]
- Jet Set Willy II (Ricochet)
- Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (1986)(Software Proje2
- Jet Set Willy II - The Final Frontier (1986)(Software Projec
- Jet-Boot Jack (1984)(English Software)
- Jewels of Darkness - Adventure Quest (1986)(Level 9 Computin
- Jewels of Darkness - Colossal Adventure (1986)(Level 9 Compu
- Jewels of Darkness - Dungeon Adventure (1986)(Level 9 Comput
- Jinks (1988)(Rainbow Arts)
- Jinn Genie
- Jinn Genie (1984)(Micromega)[a][l C64 ROM Tape]
- Jinn Genie (1984)(Micromega)[l C64 ROM Tape]
- Jinn Genie (Dixons)
- Jocky Wilson's Darts Challenge
- Jocky Wilson's Darts Compendium
- Joe Blade
- Joe Blade (1987)(Players Software)[a][l Wildload]
- Joe Blade (1987)(Players Software)[o][l Wildload]
- Joe Blade (1987)(Players Software)[u][l Wildload]
- Joe Blade 2
- Joe Blade II (1988)(Players Software)[a][l Wildload]
- John Elway's Quarterback
- Johnny Reb
- Jonah Barrington's Squash
- Jonny And The Jimpys
- Jouste
- Jouste (19xx)(IJK Software LTD)
- Judge Dredd
- Jump Jet
- Jump Jet (1985)(Anirog Software)
- Jump Jet (1985)(Anirog Software)[a]
- Jumpin Jack
- Jumping Jack (1984)(Livewire)[a][l C64 ROM Tape]
- Jungle Drums (1984)(Anirog Software)
- Jungle Drums (1984)(Anirog Software)[b]
- Jungle Quest (1984)(Solar Software)
- Jungle Quest (1984)(Solar Software)[u]
- Jungle Story
- Junior Maths (1983)(Commodore)(Side A)
- Junior Maths (1983)(Commodore)(Side B)
- Junior Maths - Side A
- Junior Maths - Side B